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A Student Needs You!

What is


A one-on-one tutoring program for students from grades 1-6 in our community so they can improve their reading and/or comprehension skills and learn to enjoy reading.

Who & Where?

PAL is offered to students in the three schools in Valleyview: Oscar Adolphson Primary School, St. Stephen's School, and Harry Gray Elementary School.  Students are recommended for the program by their teachers or parents.


Tutors are all volunteers from the community: parents, grandparents, young adults, retirees...Anyone with time and a love of reading.  Each tutor is matched with a student(s) and spends 30 minutes a week with the student(s).



We work with your daytime schedule!


"The PAL program was run like a well oiled machine. The St. Stephen's staff were very accommodating. With my fulltime job in the oilfield, they made it easy to move days, if needed, with same day notice. My student was very excited to see me each time and welcomed me with a big smile and a fist bump! This was a rewarding experience for him and I. His teacher reported to me that every time he came back to class he was more positive than when he left and had greater confidence. He requested I be his tutor next year, and that made me feel like I did my job."

PAL Tutor

“Tutors are a part of a caring web of support for students'. Teachers teach them to read and their tutors teach them to love reading by reading with them and playing reading games. Tutors also build the students’   

verbal skills just by talking with them. I can’t believe how good it is for the kids!”


“The positive one-on-one relationships with an adult role model are invaluable.”


"I enjoyed meeting the different students I read with. The teachers and principals from OAP & St. Stephen’s were very helpful, supportive and friendly."

PAL Tutor

"Before PAL, I didn't feel that good about reading. After being in PAL, I feel really good and I can read now. I liked everything about PAL"

PAL Student

"My child's reading level grew 2 levels this year from school intervention and PAL."

PAL Parent

"I was pleased to see some improvement with my student's reading from last year to this year, and I hope that he has continued to improve with my volunteering.  I think we both enjoyed our time together."

PAL Tutor

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